Friday, June 12, 2009

Storytime: Mona's Story part 1

Once upon a time, in a land twenty feet from nowhere, there lived a man. He was not a man in the sense that he was human, but a man in the sense that he was male, really, he was a star. It may seem impossible for there to be sexes for the stars, but there are defined sexes for stars, if ill defined they may be. This star’s name was Fred; well not really, his name would actually boggle the mind to the point of epilepsy if it were known to the little people of earth, so he is to be called Fred as a shortened translated version. The people of earth would probably better know him as Sol, but he doesn’t know that and will continue to watch as his merry little flock of planets hurtles at great speeds around him, mercury close enough he could almost reach out and tickle him, though he had been warned against it after the great disaster, better known to the people of earth as the Big Bang.

to be continued

* I wrote this sophomore year of high school during a few hours of boredom and decided to leave the mistakes in, mostly because I am lazy. ^_^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

who's mona then?