Saturday, December 27, 2008

And Time Goes On

Once upon a yesteryear of golden ties and plenty, there lived only memories to support a dilapidated frame, wrinkled and wilting.Who knows what went on in the shadowy frame or why it existed. All anyone knew for sure, was that it had come on a tide of joy and movement untamed, but to the destruction of the village.
And in the quiet of a single moment in that long span of time, a single entity floated through the door of the frame.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

goal for today: BE FREE!!!

Now that finals are over and I can think clearly, without everything bumming me out, what is there to write about?
There are too many things going on right now to be wasting them inside, so I go, to be free and as non-pretentious sounding as possible in that whole young self-loathing period of life that I seem to be afflicted with.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

goal for today: create lamest first post in existence

There is no way to tell if anyone will actually find their way to this blog, care about what I am writing, or if I will even continue it, but there is something therapeutic in expressing yourself to nothing, no one... everyone. I doubt I will actually have the ability to keep this up, and my previous attempts at such a feat will indicate that I have failed miserably more than once, but that won't deter me because apparently i don't know when to give up. Oh well.